Surround sound is the ideal way to experience movies in a theater. You’ll be able to hear everything around you, and the sound will fill your entire space. How to make all speakers work on surround sound? There are many ways to achieve surround sound without buying expensive equipment. If you’re new to surround sound, it can feel overwhelming.
Different Steps To Make All Speakers Work On Surround Sound:
If you’ve tried it before but didn’t know where to start, it can feel impossible. But it’s not. I’m going to show you how to create surround sound for any speaker setup.
STEP 1: Determine the Surround Sound Setup:
The first thing you need to do is determine the setup of your speakers. You can do this by measuring the distance between each speaker and then dividing that number by the frequency of the sound being played. For example, if you have two speakers that are six inches apart, and they play a frequency of 2 hertz, then you would divide 6 by 2 (which equals 2. to find out the distance between the speakers in inches. You can then apply this formula to every speaker in your setup.
Here’s an example of how this works. Let’s say you have a setup with a 3.1 speaker system. The speaker distance would be 6 feet. You would divide 6 by 2 to find out that the speakers are 3 inches apart. If you use this same method, you can figure out which speakers need to be closer together or farther apart.
STEP 2. Add Subwoofers:
Subwoofers are speakers that play lower frequencies than your main speakers. These are typically smaller than your main speakers. They’re usually used for surround sound, but they also work well when you’re trying to add bass to your music or movies.
To achieve surround sound with subwoofers, you’ll need to figure out the frequency of your main speakers and add that number to the frequency of your subwoofers. For example, if you have a 4.1 speaker setup, you would divide 5 by 2 (which equals 5. to find out the frequency of your subwoofers. This is the frequency you’d plug your subwoofers into.
STEP 3. Connect Your Speakers:
Once you know what frequencies you want your main speakers to play, you can connect them to your amp. The easiest way to do this is by using the inputs on your amp. Your speakers may come with their own cords, but it’s much easier to use your amp’s inputs.
STEP 4. Connect Your Subwoofers:
You should now have all your speakers connected to your amp. To add subwoofers to your system, you can either use your amp’s inputs or splice in your own cords. If you’re going to splice in your own cords, you’ll need to use a subwoofer cable.
These are pretty inexpensive, and they come in different sizes. You’ll need one for each subwoofer you have.
STEP 5. Mix the Audio:
Now that you have all your audio equipment set up, it’s time to mix the audio. You’ll want to make sure that the audio is at the same volume in all the speakers. You can do this by turning down all your speakers except for the speakers that you want to be the loudest.
For example, if you want your main speakers to be loud, then turn down your subwoofers and the surround speakers. If you want your surround speakers to be louder than your subwoofers, then turn down your main speakers and leave your subwoofers alone.
STEP 6. Add the Surround Sound:
You’ve now created surround sound for your setup. If you’d like to experience the sound in a movie theater, you can plug your speakers into your TV. If you’re using your TV as a speaker, make sure you have surround sound settings turned on. You’ll also need to make sure that the audio is set at its highest level.
If you’re interested in more information about surround sound, check out this video I made for The Huffington Post.
STEP 7. Determine If The Problem Is With Your Speakers Or With Your Setup:
If the problem is with your speakers, you need to look at the source of the problem. Is it the wiring? Is it the speaker itself? Is there something else wrong?
If the problem is with your setup, you’ll need to fix that before you can solve the problem with the speakers.
STEP 8. Check your Speakers for Damage:
If you have a new pair of speakers and they’re giving you trouble, you need to check them for damage. You should be able to see obvious signs of wear, such as scratches or dents.
You also want to make sure the speaker cone is in good shape and that the surround is free from damage.
STEP 9. Look for Wires That are Loose or Broken:
Loose or broken wires will make it difficult for the speakers to work correctly.
If you’re using a wireless system, make sure the speakers can see each other. If the speakers don’t line up properly, you won’t get a clear signal and you’ll end up with a muddy sound.
STEP 10. Use the Correct Volume Control for Your System:
When you’re using a wireless system, you want to make sure the volume controls are set properly. You don’t want your speakers to be too quiet or too loud, otherwise they’ll start to distort.
You also want to make sure the volume control for your speakers is on the same level as the rest of the system.
STEP 11. Check for Damage to the Room:
If you’re in an open space, you may need to adjust the positioning of your speakers or use different placement options. If you’re in a more enclosed space, you may need to add more speakers to the setup.
STEP 12. Test the Speakers Again:
Once you’ve taken care of all of the other problems, it’s time to test your speakers again.